
12 dkg sushi rice or round rice
4 nori sheets (seaweed sheets)
12 dkg sardines in olive oil
vegetables, to taste
salt, to taste

Calcium can be easily provided for the body even through diet. Certain hormonal processes are mostly responsible for calcium’s integration into the bones and regular physical exercise also has a positive effect on bone density. If you consume vegetables and small fish, or perhaps good quality, aged cheese regularly you don’t need to worry about calcium deficiency.

Cook the rice in salty water (double the volume of the rice). Place the nori sheet in front of you and spread about half the cooled down rice evenly. Then add the filling, in this case sardines in olive oil, cabbage germ and spinach in a horizontal stripe. Roll it up tight and it’s ready to eat. You can choose other vegetables or other tyoes of small fish, e.g. sprat, mackerel or herring. The results 4 sushi rolls, makes cca. 32 slices, 4 serving.

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