Ingredients for 8 slices

2 medium red onions, sliced thinly
5 medium potatoes, peeled and cubed (can be prepared with sweet potatoes as well)
6-8 chanterelle mushrooms, thinly sliced
2 large handfuls of sorrel (can be prepared with spinach as well)
7 eggs
0.1 l plant-based milk
1 bunch of parsley, chopped finely
3 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp grated Parmesan, or other aged hard cheese
salt and pepper to taste

Even according to the EFSA, the daily recommended choline intake for adults is at least 400 mg. 1 egg yolk contains 100-150 mg of choline, while 100 g of liver contains 200-450 mg. Other foods are low in choline (apart from caviar, marrow and a few uncommon foods), so those who do not eat 2-3 egg yolks a day and liver at least once a week will find it difficult to reach even this 400 mg daily choline intake. Frittata, among other things, contains a lot of egg yolks and is an absolute family favourite in our house. It can be prepared in a variety of flavours and can easily be a budget-friendly meal.

For the frittata, choose a pan or dish that you can put in the oven. Boil the potatoes, drain and set aside. Fry the red onion in the olive oil over a low heat for a relatively long time until soft and golden brown, then add the mushrooms, sorrel and parsley. Season with salt and pepper and fry for a few minutes, then add the cooked potatoes and remove from the heat. In a bowl, beat the eggs with the vegetable milk, Parmesan and a pinch of salt until smooth. Pour the egg mixture over the vegetables, shake the dish to distribute it evenly and bake in a preheated oven at 160°C for 25 minutes. Cut into slices like a pizza or cake and serve with mixed salad with balsamico dressing.  Cold leftovers are delicious as well.

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